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  Solution - Smart Monitor
 ► ZigBee Wireless Water Pump Station Monitoring System
System Integrator in Taipei, Taiwan

Water pump stations, dams and reservoirs are critical features for flood control. Most of water pump stations are widely distributed, and without maintenance worker. It has always been a challenge to centralized monitoring and control of water pump stations within the area. The advancements in ZigBee/GPRS technology now make it possible to utilize mesh network and Internet as the wide area communications platform.

The remote water pump station is equipped with wireless sensor nodes, IP-Link 2220 readers and MA8 GPRS terminals. Sensor nodes are connected with IP-Link 2220 readers, so the sensor data is able to sent to the MA8 terminal via reliable wireless mesh network. MA8 then transmit data to central management center via GPRS/Internet. The combination of wireless mesh network and GPRS have proved the perfect communications platform for covering the vast distributed water network with reliable result and lower cost.

Why Kepro
Advanced Wireless Mesh Network
Low Cost, Low Power Consumption
FCC, CE Certified Products
More than 5 years of wireless networking hands-on experience
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