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  Solution - Smart Building
 ► Wireless Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

System Integrator in Taiwan

Traditional Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) measures only temperature, humidity and CO2, but miss measurement of some toxic indoor contaminants, which are routinely found in office buildings and public facilities. It has been an increased market demand to monitor air quality for public safety.

KDI wireless IAQ solution combines traditional IAQ sensors and ZigBee wireless devices to monitor indoor temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2) and a user-selected toxic gas sensor such as carbon monoxide (CO). Build-in wireless ZigBee module allows the IAQ sensor to send data in a real-time manner via wireless mesh network. ZigBee gateway then transmits the sensor data to remote control center via Ethernet. The complete system provides a real-time IAQ monitoring for building operator with less labor and lower cost.

Why Kepro
Advanced Wireless Mesh Technology
ZigBee-Based Customized Design Service
More than 5 years of wireless networking hands-on experience
Smart City
Intelligent traffic signal control system
The subway management system
Smart Building
Wireless Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Smart Monitoring
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ZigBee Wireless Water Pump Station Monitoring System
Wireless Sewer Water Level Monitoring System
Wireless Industrial Wastewater Quality Monitoring System
ZigBee Based Oil Tank Monitoring System
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