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  Solution - Smart City
 ► Intelligent traffic signal control system
Transportation application
Traffic Data Acquisition is among one important tasks in ITS. All the on-line or historical data is vital for the design and planning for the traffic management strategy. The traffic data acquisition device normally consists of two parts: the sensor and the controller. The controller links with the central through wire-line connection and send back the data collected from the sensor. However, installation of the wire-line relates to huge engineering efforts and the maintenance of fixed lines is always difficult. There will be more problems to get wire-line connection in remote areas. When the communication line goes down, data is lost unless a data Logger is further installed.
In this application, MA8-9g 3G Terminal links with the Traffic Data Acquisition device using RS485 interface. The raw data from the detector is further analyzed by the data protocol analysis mechanism provided by the MA8-9g and sorted data is transmitted to the central Traffic Control Centre through CDMA network and Internet in TCP/IP packet. Data can be temporarily stored in the memory buffer when CDMA is disconnected. From the system integrator’s point of view, all the integration on the terminal wireless connection is achieved by the plug-&-play of MA8-9g and no change is necessary on the original detecting device. And only simple application is required at the central site to access the terminal data. The total system implementation can be accomplished within 3 weeks.

Key Features
Highly-reliable M2M Serial terminals.
Out-of-the- box prototyping of wireless network from industrial RS-232 and RS-485 serial ports.
Six LEDs indicate Power, CDMA link and all the data traffic mode Easy-to use Plugene Software for terminal configuration.
Sophisticated PlugMaster software for integration of CDMA network and original application systems.
CDMA wireless network gives the best coverage and mobility.
"Always On" Wireless communication to give real time remote monitoring.
Full product documentations.

Wireless ITS System Chart
Smart City
Intelligent traffic signal control system
The subway management system
Smart Building
Wireless Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Smart Monitoring
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Wireless Sewer Water Level Monitoring System
Wireless Industrial Wastewater Quality Monitoring System
ZigBee Based Oil Tank Monitoring System
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