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  Solution - Smart Care
 ► Smart Pad Features
—body up / out of the bed / lying position change detection.
  Capacitive sensing technology can accurately detect human behavior in bed, side by side unless misjudged the weight of the body, this technique is also used for smart phones and other capacitive touch buttons, library or public place station information navigation system, automatic bank ATM, etc.
Capacitive sensing technology different from the traditional mechanical pressure sensing technology, no pressing loss Problem.
Wireless communication devices support point to multi-point link, all smart pad can link to server system.
Notification mechanism can be combined with existing systems, integration of multiple modules perceive events and modular functional architecture, providing care facilities proactive event detection and notification Care.
Special product design of smart pad
High-density foam resilience good, lasting pressure, fatigue, breathable, softness and body to achieve a close and comfortable fit.
Combine flexibility and high stability of the sensor pad, good body lying comfort.
Smart pad covered with a waterproof breathable fabric cover, easy maintenance and cleaning.

Smart pad system
Smart Care
Smart Pad Features
Smart City
Intelligent traffic signal control system
The subway management system
Smart Building
Wireless Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Smart Monitoring
ZigBee+GPRS Wireless City Water Supply System
ZigBee Wireless Water Pump Station Monitoring System
Wireless Sewer Water Level Monitoring System
Wireless Industrial Wastewater Quality Monitoring System
ZigBee Based Oil Tank Monitoring System
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