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  Solution - Smart Monitor
 ► ZigBee+GPRS Wireless City Water Supply System

Water Supply Company in Beijing, China

City water utilities are faced with increasing operational and maintenance costs as a result of aging pipeline infrastructures. Leaks and ruptures in water supply pipelines are costly every year, monitoring and repairing this underground infrastructure presents a severe challenge. KDI ZigBee/GPRS wireless sensor solution can increase the spatial and temporal resolution of operational data from pipeline infrastructures and thus address the challenge of real-time monitoring and eventually control.

The system uses wireless sensor, IP-Link 2220 readers and MA8 GPRS terminal to realize wireless water flow monitoring and leak detection. Wireless sensors are installed on the supply line of water fixture, which collect and send water measurement data, such as water pressure, water flow, temperature, PH level and alarm to MA8 terminal via wireless mesh network. MA8 terminal then transmit real-time data to the base station via GPRS/Internet. The base station can determine based on an analysis of the stream of data points whether a leak exists in any of the water fixtures, and if a leak is determined to exist, a maintenance alert is generated.

Why Kepro
Advanced Wireless Mesh Network
Low Cost, Low Power Consumption
FCC, CE Certified Products
More than 5 years of wireless networking hands-on experience
Smart City
Intelligent traffic signal control system
The subway management system
Smart Building
Wireless Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Smart Monitoring
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