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  Solution - Smart Monitor
 ► ZigBee Based Oil Tank Monitoring System
System Integrator in Beijing, China

Oil is one of the popular energy used in the world. Storage of oil requires continuous level measurements from storage and process tanks. Traditional wired monitoring devices are not only high cost of wiring, but also relatively complex in installation and maintenance. The new ZigBee wireless technology can solve this problem with ease of installation and network flexibility.

The system consists of three parts, data collecting devices, monitoring center and mobile monitors. Data collecting devices use IP-Link 2250 to transmit sensor data back to the monitoring center. Monitoring center will process the data and send result to mobile monitors via IP-Link 2220H. Because the wireless mobile monitors are not fixed in position by wiring, oil tank manager can takes advantage of the mobility and the ease of installation. KDI's self-organizing mesh wireless network is especially effective in delivering reliability and flexibility for oil tank monitoring. This self-organizing technology optimizes data reliability while minimizing power consumption. It also reduces the effort and infrastructure necessary to set up a successful wireless network.

Why Kepro
Advanced Wireless Mesh Networking Technology
FCC, CE-certified Products
More than 5 years of wireless networking hands-on experience
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ZigBee Based Oil Tank Monitoring System
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