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  Solution - Smart Monitor
 ► Wireless Industrial Wastewater Quality Monitoring System
System Integrator in Beijing, China

Continuously reading industrial wastewater quality is necessary for the sake of environmental protection. A monitoring system is need to check dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, conductivity, salinity and other measurement of the wastewater to identify trends and improve production. Traditional on-site sampling can't meet the environmental requirement. There is a great market need on wireless monitoring solution.

Our systems consist of water quality sensors, IP-Link 2220 readers, MA8 GPRS terminal and management center for transmitting data and reporting site conditions. Water quality sensor transmits data to MA8 terminal via reliable wireless mesh network formed by IP-Link 2220 readers. The real-time data will send to the management center seamlessly via GPRS/Internet. This wireless system is easily expandable by adding new sites or adding sensors to existing sites. Since rechargeable batteries are used as a power source, this system can continue to measure and store time-stamped data during power outages.

Why Kepro
Advanced Wireless Mesh Technology
Lower Power Consumption, Solar-powered Battery
FCC, CE-certified Products
More than 5 years of wireless networking hands-on experience
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